Splish Splash 2024 • Reflecting on a Year of Creativity at Taygetos Peak

Aug 5, 2024


Every year, as our studio gears up for a well-deserved summer break, we embark on a special trip to reflect on the year’s achievements and recharge our creative spirits. Traditionally, our destination has been a coastal location, but this year we embraced a new challenge—a mountain edition.

Our adventure took us to the majestic Taygetos Mountain, where we reached its peak and witness the extraordinary phenomenon of the pyramid shadow at sunrise. The climb was both a physical challenge and a journey of introspection. Reaching the summit (2407 m altitude) and seeing the sun cast a perfect pyramid shadow was a powerful symbol of our creative journey and aspirations.

As we take our summer break, we carry with us the inspiration and reflections from this incredible journey, ready to infuse our future projects with renewed energy and vision. Here’s to new heights and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.


See you again on August 26th!